Enchanted Hunte’s Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden Flowers

Enchanted Hunte’s Garden

Enchanted Hunte’s Garden 1024 683 Keir Alexa

Hidden in the hills of Barbados is the enchanted Hunte’s Garden. Lush, full of color and the sounds of wildlife, I couldn’t wait to go inside.

As soon as we arrived, I noticed a sign out front that said “The most enchanting place on earth!” I had no idea what to expect, but as soon as I entered the garden I knew that I entered a tropical paradise, full of the most beautiful flowers and plants I have ever seen.

The garden is a carefully cultivated plant utopia, full of smiling Buddha statues and Greek figures. I started heading down the staircase and quickly found myself exploring different pathways and relaxing on the benches that were tucked in different corners of the garden.

Barbados Huntes Garden Travel

It is so dense with plants that everywhere feels like its own perfect little garden of your own. Part of the reason it is so lush is that it is actually inside a sinkhole, so plants can climb up the steep natural walls that are all around you.

Barbados Huntes Garden

After 15 minutes of exploring, I ran into Anthony Hunte, who is the man that created the gardens. He is very welcoming and invited us up to his for ginger lemonade and talked about how it took him over 2 years to develop the garden.

I only got to spend about 30 minutes there because I was on a time crunch to visit some other parts of Barbados….. so next time I am planning to stay much longer. A taste of paradise was definitely not enough! I highly recommend bringing a book, wandering down a path and finding a sunny bench to relax on.

Barbados Huntes Garden Wanderlust

Below are some more images of the garden!

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

Barbados Huntes Garden

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