
Sabers, Vodka & Nitrogen, A Winning Combination at Bearfoot Bistro

Sabers, Vodka & Nitrogen, A Winning Combination at Bearfoot Bistro 1280 854 Keir Alexa

Bearfoot Bistro was the most fun I’ve ever had in a restaurant hands down! I planned a special surprise dinner for my boyfriend in Whistler, Canada. I can’t even pick out just one thing that made the evening. The vodka tasting room, champagne bottles sabered by yours truly, the nitrogen ice cream made right there at the table, the whole evening was full of amazing experiences.


We started out the evening with the freshest oysters and some cocktails. They were delicious! I’m a very visual person and the oysters were just so clean and glossy, and salted perfectly by the sea. We also had their caviar sampling. Which was just as delicious.


While we waited for the next course, we got a tour of the vodka tasting room. The Belvedere Ice Room was one feature that is truly unique. It may be trendy to have a vodka tasting room in other restaurants, but this particular one claims to the “world’s coldest”. I believe it! The walls were back lit making this blue aura in the space, adding to the look to the room. Like an igloo, but filled with vodka. Which is pretty much the only way I’ll get into a cold room like that ever again.


Once we returned to the table we were pleasantly buzzed. I received a shaved vegetable and truffle plate with a smooth cream sauce. The colors of this dish were so attractive. My mouth was watering before I even got a fork to the plate. I chose the vegetarian option for my main course. So tasty! When it came to the table, again my eyes were amazed. It was so artfully put together, with orange and green contrasting colors and textures.


I just loved how the space of the restaurant carried the theme of contemporary design over throughout the whole experience. From the food served to us to the art on the walls and the architectural design.


The wine pairings were just perfection. They have a wine cellar that is stocked floor to ceiling with over 20,000 the best wine choices. The sommelier gave us the grand tour through this labyrinth.


And to ensure our good luck, we sabered a couple of champagne bottles. This is an old tradition dating back to the days of Napoleon. It’s great! You pick the bottle and they show you how to do it safely. Then when you’re ready you get to play pirate. I’ll never forget it, especially since I got a gift boxed cork from my bottle to prove it!


Another thing about the Bearfoot bistro is that it holds a Guinness World Records Certificate. On the wall a plaque commemorates the feat Andre Saint Jaques accomplished, sabering 21 champagne bottles in a single minute here. Super cool!


For dessert, we tried their signature nitro ice cream, prepared table side. The waiter created this cloud by combining a vanilla liquid mixture with nitrogen liquid, which caused a really dramatic effect. Smoke and gas emerged from the bowl and after a few minutes of mixing voila! Ice cream appeared, like magic!


We had an amazing time here. Wherever you are in the world, the Bearfoot Bistro is a restaurant you cannot miss.

Keir Alexa Burning Man

Burning Man

Burning Man 1024 683 Keir Alexa

“If you’ve never been there, no words can adequately describe it. If you have been there, no words are needed.”

Keir Alexa Burning Man


We descended into Black Rock City and I watched my vodka cranberry shake with mild turbulence. It was my fifth time making the trip to Burning Man, but the excitement hadn’t faded. Maybe the lure of Burning Man comes from that anticipation of the unknown and the unfamiliar. Maybe that’s what draws 60,000 people from around the world to the desert once a year. At the end of August, they build a city for a week. They celebrate self-expression, self- reliance and love. They bring friends and family and make new friends and family. They create art cars and camps, monstrous sculptures and homages to loved ones passed. They dance and party and ride bikes and some run naked but they also let go of burdens and past transgressions and instead manifest their hopes and dreams. They connect or reconnect with the community. They form a family in this judgement free society, creating lasting memories for one glorious week before watching it all go up in flames. Literally.

When Burning Man comes to an end, everything fades like a mirage. Where this beautiful, bright city once existed, nothing is left. Not even a trace.

Burning Man

Burning Man



Burning Man was founded on ten principles. Yes, everyone comes to create this incredibly unique space, but the point of Burning Man is to live in a society based on values that matter. It can be an escape from our own worlds, but many bring the principles back home with them. They form a new way of life.

  1. Radical inclusion — everyone is welcome.
  2. Gifting — gifts are invaluable and they should be given with out expecting anything in return.
  3. Decommodification — commercial sponsorship’s, transactions and advertising not welcome here.
  4. Radical self-reliance — rely on you and your inner resources, discover what you can accomplish.
  5. Radical self-expression — embrace your individual and allow your gifts to shine through to others.
  6. Communal effort — it’s all about creative cooperation and collaboration, promoting and respecting and helping one another.
  7. Civic responsibility — everyone is responsible for the public welfare and for following the law.
  8. Leaving no trace — the environment is valued and should not be left damaged in any way.
  9. Participation — everyone is invited to work, create and play because through this selfless collaboration the community thrives.
  10. Immediacy — possibly the most important principle, the immediacy valued at Burning Man reflects a seize the day mentality.


My boyfriend, Bob, hosted 185 people at our camp this year — some of our closest friends and my mom included. Now, these camps hosting hundreds of people cannot be built in a week. Although Burning Man is about the immediacy of the week, planning goes on all year round. We worked with others to create plans and build a sound camp. This year we also had a great production crew that helped make the camp so special. Big thanks to Isaiah Martin, Dede Loftus, Chef Kevin Lee, Luke Przybylski, and Jeff Shelton to name a few. Located at 10:00 and C on the playa, camp Dragonfly Den became our beautiful, temporary home — where we slept, ate, laughed and, where we threw a massive Pink Party on Thursday night.

Burning Man

The name of our camp is incredibly special to us. Dragonfly Den has been two years in existence, but the name’s origin began three years ago. We were all dancing at Robot Heart, one of the best-known camps where huge artists often play, when a dragonfly landed on one of our friends. No one had ever seen a dragonfly at Burning Man, and we had definitely never seen one land on someone before. We danced for an hour and that dragonfly did not move! It was insane! Just as the sun rose, the dragonfly let go and flew off. We followed it’s lead, taking in the sky before heading to our art car. After a brief ride, our art car broke down about thirty minutes away from camp. The sun was beating and the night’s chill had almost completely worn off. We were climbing out of the car, preparing for the long walk, when we noticed something fluttering next to us. The dragonfly. It circled us before taking off towards the Temple. We knew we were where we were supposed to be.

Keir Alexa Burning Man

Burning Man

Our personal art car


The goals of self-expression, self-reliance and gifting are manifested through works of art. Camps are sectioned off by enormous sculptures and industrial-chic signs. Some camps are massive, some are small, some are for living and others for partying. Distrikt is one of the best day parties I’ve ever been to.


Burning Man

Art cars or better called mutant vehicles are man-made year round and are the only vehicles allowed on the grounds. People go all out. They use golf carts, dune buggies, trucks, anything really, but they create works of art. I saw a yacht on wheels, a giant black dragon and an octopus with flames coming out of its tentacles!!


Burning Man Boat

Aside from structures and mechanics, art is also moving and milling around Burning Man on the backs of its participants. The costumes! You wear whatever you imagine. I spend two months making costumes for the week. LED costumes, fur costumes, feather costumes or no costumes or clothes at all — anything goes and it is an eclectic, magical sight to see!

Keir Alexa Burning Man

Burning Man

Burning Man Desert Travel

Burning Man

Burning Man Desert Travel

Burning Man

Burning Man Desert Dragon

Burning Man


Burning Man is two separate worlds. The day is hot, filled with dirt bike races and horrible dust storms, leaving participants covered in layers of white powder.

Keir Alexa Burning Man


Burning Man Keir Alexa

The night is a freezing, electronic world with DJs and LED lights. You have to dance to keep warm. And it’s almost impossible to sleep. You never want to miss a thing, especially the breath-taking sunrise.

Burning Man After Dark

Burning Man

Burning Man After Dark

Burning Man After Dark

Burning Man After Dark

Burning Man

Burning Man

Burning Man Keir Alexa

Burning Man

Burning Man


Burning Man Travel


Two main structures are burned down at the end of the week. The Man on Saturday and the Temple on Sunday. Each ceremony has its own unique feel.

The Man is a celebration. Everyone writes what they want to let go of in life, filling up the giant wood structure with scrawling letters. Art cars gather around, blasting music as fireworks explode and ash and fire and smoke billow across the desert. Everyone feels the ease of the release. We let go and enjoyed the night and the moment in one massive party.

Burning Man

Photo by Nicholas James

The Temple is a spiritual ceremony. Homages are made to loved ones who have died and are placed inside the Temple. Everyone is quiet, grieving and respectful. The burn is a moment of reflection and an expression of love. This year I made a poster for one of my close friends who died a few months before. He loved Burning Man and I wanted to honor him. I placed it alongside all the other photographs of more loved ones from more people from all around the world. I breathed in the sacred place of remembrance and renewal.

Burning Man Travel

Burning Man Travel

Photo by Shaun Guckian


Burning Man

Keir Alexa Burning Man Travel

As we all watched the Temple burn in silence on the last day, one girl yelled, “I love you Burners!” About 20 people around her returned her call. You really can feel the community at Burning Man. It takes on its own persona and it is truly formed out of love.

Have you ever been to Burning Man or plan to do so? Leave comments below! 

Travel Blog Spain

Thoughts on Travel and Life

Thoughts on Travel and Life 1024 684 Keir Alexa

I recently visited a friend for his 30th birthday party. It was a kick ass weekend full of laughter and swimming, dancing and drinks. Somewhere in the middle of it all, my friend gave a speech. He talked about the power of trying new things and exploring the world around us. The importance of eliminating jealousy from our lives. The importance of living for the moment.

His speech got me thinking about my own life. I just turned 25 and it’s been an amazing journey. But there’s still so far to go, and it got me thinking of a few things:

Life is finite

Life is challenging

Life is beautiful

Life is mysterious

Some people shy away from these realities.

Some people live their lives slowly, as if they’re going to live forever.

Some people choose to be haters, and see the world as an ugly place.

Some people live their whole lives choosing what is safe and easy.

But if you are willing to push the boundaries of who you are and what you know, then anything is possible. As cliché as it sounds, it’s true! A big part of this for me has been travel. Observing the way different people live and visiting exotic corners of the earth. Traveling to far away places helps me reflect on my own life.

Embrace the craziness of this world. Try something you’ve never done before. Chase your fullest dreams and love with the full capacity of your heart.

Take a trip to somewhere unknown.

Try a food you’ve never seen before.

Learn about a culture that is different from your own.

Life can be beautiful and life can be scary, it’s true. But don’t stop dreaming and don’t stop travelling. We only have so long on this earth, and should ask ourselves everyday how we can make the most of the time we have.

As Ferris Bueller says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Aspen Paragliding Adventure Travel

Gone with the Wind in Aspen

Gone with the Wind in Aspen 1500 1000 Keir Alexa

aspen paragliding adventure travel blogger

aspen paragliding adventure travel blogger

Aspen Paragliding Adventure Travel

Aspen Paragliding Adventure Travel

Aspen Paragliding Adventure Travel

Aspen Travel Paragliding

aspen paragliding adventure travel

aspen paragliding adventure travel

aspen paragliding adventure travel

Aspen Travel Paragliding

Aspen Adventure Travel

Aspen Adventure Travel Blog

Aspen Adventure Travel Blogger


Anxiety, fear, and wild excitement battled each other as my thoughts raced— a rollercoaster of emotions to match the uneven terrain. We were driving up Aspen Mountain. We meaning the 18 people that had been loaded into a single pickup truck, all of us experiencing each rapid bump and turn together as we cruised to the top.

I was about to run off the side of a mountain and launch myself into the air with a paraglide. For the first time.

As soon as we reached our launch spot, my heart still racing, the pilots began to lay out their brightly colored paragliders. My pilot placed his first, meaning I would go first. I would jump off the mountain first.

When you’re afraid, sometimes it’s best to run and jump — literally.

“Go!” The pilot yelled and we went, running for 20 feet before take off.

We caught air. I sat back. I was paragliding. Flying. I took in the surroundings. The green pines rippling up the mountains for miles and miles. The fresh, brisk air. The calming wind. All previous nerves vanished. I was at peace.

Paragliding is a combination of adrenaline followed by pure euphoria. I completely fell in love with the experience. The Aspen Paragliding staff make their guests feel safe and secure the entire time, making it easy to sit back and enjoy the freedom of flying through the sky. After a fifteen minute descent, landing was smooth. Though as soon as I hit the ground, I felt compelled to unleash my inner child, my insides yelling, “Again! Again! Again!”

WHAT TO WEAR — It can get cold up in the mountains. Layer! Wear a wind proof outer shell and footwear with proper ankle support. Hiking boots are a good call. As the sky can get pretty bright up there, sunglasses are also recommended. All the safety gear, helmet, harness and whatnot, are provided by the company. Paragliding is an exhilarating experience, but caution must be taken! Be prepared so you can enjoy the experience without worry.




Axioma Yacht Trip

Axioma Yacht Trip 1280 854 Keir Alexa

After a wild and fun week in Ibiza, we flew into Nice, France then drove straight to Cannes. Good friends and the stunning yacht, Axioma, were awaiting our arrival, and we were eager to join them!

A limousine tender transported us from shore to the Axioma, where the entire crew greeted us with open arms, fresh young coconuts and cold clothes at the ready to cool us off from our travels. The crew was incredibly friendly but also professional and helpful. Suzy, the chief stewardess, especially made us feel right at home with her warm and fun personality!


The boat itself was masterfully designed with sleek and sexy decor. Light wood, blacks and golds accented with pops of red brought about a luxurious feeling of comfort and class. As for the layout, the Axioma accommodates up to 12 guests in 6 rooms — the Master Suite located on the Owner’s Deck, with the VIP Suite and four additional Guest Double Cabins situated on the Main Deck. But gorgeous bedrooms are really only an accent to the overall allure of the yacht. The Sun Deck is equipped with a barbecue and party area, the Bridge Deck with gym, spa, pool and bar. There’s also a cozy cinema on the lower deck, and jet ski’s for the sea. One day they even attached a slide to the side of the boat!


Still, my favorite part of the Axioma’s design has to be the Main Deck’s two-story gallery. With salon and bar below and extra seating above, the large room is open, elegant and perfect place for dancing.


While aboard, we cruised from Cannes to St. Tropez, where we spent a fun night out on the town. We dined at Salama, a Moroccan restaurant I highly recommend, then hit the hottest clubs, Les Caves and Vip Room. We danced the night away, using all that energy we’d saved up while relaxing on Axioma!

Overall, the experience was bar to none — not to mention the food! With different themed cuisine every night, I couldn’t help but indulge. We had Cajun food, sushi, waygu beef burritos, chicken gumbo, caesar salad, nachos, breakfast burritos, and mashed potato with gravy! By the end of the final dinner I was so stuffed I felt like I had a “food baby.”


Our final night aboard, the crew surprised us with a slideshow of photos from our stay — a fitting souvenir and touching way to close our excursion.

“Axioma’s philosophy and mission is to assure that every expectation is surpassed. You will remember your time on board Axioma. You will arrive as honored guests and depart as honored friends. Perhaps some memories will fade, but you will never forget how Axioma made you feel…”

I felt great from the moment I stepped on board to the moment I left.


I am so incredibly thankful for my stay on Axioma. Big thanks to Kurt, R and Sarah for the invitation.

Caribbean Barbados sandy lane villas

Barbados on My Own Time

Barbados on My Own Time 1024 758 Keir Alexa


Caribbean Barbados sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel wanderlust sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel wanderlust sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel wanderlust sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel wanderlust sandy lane villas

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel

Caribbean Barbados travel hotel

British tradition and Caribbean flair make Barbados a unique destination. I’ve only been there one time and it was just stunning. It is one of my favorite islands in the Caribbean. There is so much to do there. Whether roaming the enchanted Huntes Garden, exploring underground caves or relaxing on soft sand beaches with sparkling turquoise waters, Barbados has so much to offer.

A while back I stayed at one of Sandy Lane’s Villas called Alila. It’s aptly named since Alila is a name associated with clean pure water. The villa was in the hills above the beach, teetering on the edge of the ridge on the western coast. The decor was Balinese inspired, which was just lovely. Bali is another one of my favorite places on earth so it was a great surprise.

The villa was amazing and the views spectacular. The view was full of lush greenery from the treetops and the ocean. The villa was a spacious four bedrooms with an open floor plan. This would be great for a larger group, like a girl’s getaway or a family vacation. I found the earth tones very relaxing; there is something about natural wood surfaces that agree with me aesthetically. Although this villa is set in an English colony it was decorated with Asian influences. A craftsman style footbridge spans the large infinity pool. This led me over to the gazebo, another panoramic view. This served as the perfect backdrop to the outdoor dining area. A koi pond and enclosed garden space was very intimate and lush. Like an oasis inside an oasis, I really enjoyed the open-air atmosphere, with many outdoor spaces like the bathroom, a half enclosed area that led out to a private patio with an amazing pool.

Our villa was located off the beach, but close enough to get that fresh salt-water breeze. Sandy Lane Beach was just the perfect setting for me to unwind. There were other little touches that made our stay, like ipod docks in every room as well as a private cabana on the beach. Sandy Lane Hotel is another great option for those of you who want a full service hotel experience. I highly recommend both the Alila villa and Sandy Lane hotel as this vacation was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to return.


The nightly rate starts at about $1,050.00 USD

La Mamounia Marrakech Keir Alexa

Checking In: La Mamounia Marrakech

Checking In: La Mamounia Marrakech 1024 683 Keir Alexa

I read somewhere that Winston Churchill called La Mamounia Hotel, “the most lovely spot in the whole world.” Churchill and I had a very similar experience, especially considering I had the privilege of staying in the same suite he spent many months in, decades ago. The 5-star hotel’s plush decor combined with the hand-carved architecture, insanely tasty restaurants, green gardens spanning 24 acres and a gorgeous spa to top it all off — La Mamounia Hotel is definitely close to paradise.


La Mamounia Hotel has been in existence since the 1920’s, built in the midst of the “grand hotel” era — the time and place creating a cool mix of Art Deco design and a more classic Moroccan style. The hotel’s gardens have been around even longer, dating back to the 18th century when they were given to the Prince of Morocco as a wedding gift from his father, the Sultan.

The royal origin makes complete sense given its decadent atmosphere.

After about a ten minute drive from the airport, my boyfriend and I stepped into La Mamounia. We were immediately escorted to enormous plush couches and graciously given fresh almond milk and dates! The hotel manager welcomed us warmly as we sunk in and bathed in the red cushions — from then on, the luxury was endless.

Marrakech Morocco Food

La Mamounia Marrakech

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco Travel

Keir Alexa La Mamounia Marrakech MoroccoAlan Keohane


Room 300, The Churchill Suite — As soon as I walked in, I was hit with all the Moroccan vibes. Ornate, detailed couches, carved wood and stone, everything romantically lit and red-wine in color. The table in the front room even gave us a warm, Moroccan welcome with an assortment of fruit, roses, dates and champagne. Churchill’s opinion of the hotel was absolutely accurate. The hotel gave him homage in thanks for his praise, his name written in Arabic above the bedroom’s headboard.

The suite’s layout — one bedroom, two bathrooms, two closets, two living rooms and a balcony overlooking the plush green garden outside.

La Mamounia Marrakech

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

La Mamounia Marrakech Marble


The food is definitely consisted with the hotel’s high standards. With four restaurants, amazing cuisine, diverse options and a Sunday brunch to die for, you can almost feel a little overwhelmed. We had so much to do in Marrakech and too little time, so I only had the chance to eat at two of the restaurants — Le Marocain and Bar Italien.

Le Marocain — An à la carte restaurant combining Moroccan classics with modern interpretations. It’s widely considered to be one of the best restaurants in Marrakech, both for its food and atmosphere (they have live Moroccan music!), and I have to agree. I ordered the vegetable tagine, my favorite meal of the entire trip.

Bar Italien — Known for their Sunday brunch, there were so many options it was hard to choose! The kitchen has its own garden, so there are plenty of fresh veggies along with seafood, salads and tagines. I chose a sushi plate, paired with a shrimp soup — tasty and fresh, though my heart had been stolen earlier at Le Marocain!

Alan KeohanLa Mamounia Marrakech Morocco Food

La Mamounia Marrakech Restaurant

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco Pool


What’s luxury with out a Spa — At La Mamounia’s Spa, I indulged in my first traditional hammam and body scrub. Moroccan’s regularly take part in large communal hot baths, called hammams. Friends and families gather and chat, gossip and generally socialize. However, La Mamounia’s Spa is far more secluded and serene.

I spent ten minutes in the hammam, sweating all those toxins out, and enjoying the calming atmosphere. After some meditation, the spa specialist took me into a soothing, dark room. I lowered myself onto a square black stone and let the scrub begin. The specialist was wonderful and comforting, although she definitely got close and personal! After the scrub, she hosed me down, completing the cleanse. I completed my personal refresh with a well done blow-dry at the hair salon. I left calm, collected and ready for more Marrakech adventures!

La Mamounia Marrakech Morocco

Keir Alexa Travel Blog Fashion

Before my visit, I had dreamed of experiencing Marrakech and its luxurious hotels, but the quality and service at La Mamounia exceeded all expectations. Seriously, an-all-around WOW!

Also, big thanks to Alan Keohane for photographing me around Marrakech.


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